Nice to Cannes Marathon
By Fi Towell
Three months prior to race date a knee injury that made two miles impossibly painful considerably threatened my chances of making the start line in Nice. But 2 things (or rather two superhero people) helped make it happen:
Several wonderfully appropriate Sports Therapy sessions (plug for Carmel at the Sports Therapy Room in Leighton Buzzard)
A blank training schedule, lovingly prepared by the middle Mr Inchley, which hung on the back of the kitchen door as a constant reminder that a few missed weeks at the start and no tapering still made it possible to go the distance in the time available.
Not only did I make the start line, but I finished my first ever marathon too. And I have the tee-shirt and black toenail to prove it!
Dressed as Batgirl complete with cape and with bats in my hair, on my fingers and drawn on my face and with my fellow superhero chums, Superwoman, Wonderwoman and Catwoman we flew, spun, winged and rocketed our way down to breakfast at 5am with the Ethiopian and Kenyan Elite team who we shared our budget IBIS Hotel with. A few Hi-Fives and several photo calls later we charmed our way onto their bus to the start line. Lukas Kanda wanted his photo taken with the crazy Scottish ladies before he warmed up for his first marathon (much to his coach’s annoyance):