Woburn Abbey Reindeer Run

By Helen Crossland (25th Nov)

What a fabulous day for a run across a muddy park.

he weather forecast the night before had towns and villages drowned in the downpour with more rain forecast. There was a chance that the whole event would be washed out as well. But the only weather left by the morning were strong gusts of wind and clear blue sunny skies. So, off to Woburn Abbey to run two laps around a course that was bound to be sodden from all this rain.

I collected my flashing red nose, antlers and T-shirt. Obviously I wore all three items as long as I could in high winds. So did loads of other runners. It was a glorious sight, especially during the warm up. Red clad dancing runners with antlers and flashing red noses. Pity I didn't take a picture. read more

Dirt Half Marathon

By Helen Crossland


The morning was gloriously sunny but very chilly.Knowing how busy the town centre can get on Saturdays I’d decided to walk from Vandyke Road to Tiddenfoot, 2 miles, no problem.I got there nice and early and spotted a couple LBAC members.Leighton Fun Runners were out in force again too.A quick change into my running shoes and tucking away my lovely warm hoodie I headed out to the start.

The path was damp and I knew at some point I was going to get utterly muddy.  I just didn’t know when!  The start took us around Tiddenfoot Lake, a nice quick gentle uphill to get you warmed up and spread out before we all got to the tow path along the Grand Union Canal.  We stayed on this lovely flat non muddy path past The Globe and past the Three Locks until we got to the bridge at the end of Bragenham Side road.  I knew the “HILL” was coming up and I was not looking forward to it.  The hill starts gently at first but it get more difficult the closer you get to Great Brickhill and Stoke Lane.  At this point my legs were starting to turn to jelly after the long easy bit along the canal.  Oh the relief at the top when it was time to head down Cuff Lane.  A nice long jog downhill before heading into Oakwood and the woodland trail.  Tricky downhill bits with tree roots ready to catch my foot, big muddy patches to slow me down and make sure my trainers looked like I’d worked on this run.  I’d lost all track of time in the woods – concentrating on staying upright!  I reached Linslade Road feeling good that I’d survived the root obstacle to then follow the trail in the woods on the other side of the road.  Hidden roots under leaf litter.  Much more fun!  The trail then headed out over a farm field, I saw the two wooden bridges in the distance and realised that this was the muddy part of the course.  My feet were hot, the water and mud were cool.  After 200 runners the field was slippy and the mud looked like the type of mud you get at a spa.  There was no avoiding it so I went for it.  Straight through the middle of it all and up to my knees.  No loss of trainer thankfully and at the final wooden bridge I decided to jump in like a big kid into the last of the mud.  Then it was back along the canal, past Tesco’s and up to Tiddenfoot Lake to the finish.  Last weekend I felt like a wreck near the end of the race.  This week I had been on my cross trainer every day making sure my lungs and legs were going to work when I needed them.  It worked.  I got to the lake and gently started to increase my pace.  Overtaking quite a few people I’d been following for the majority of the race.  Finishing with a time of 2 hours 25 minutes.  Not my best time but an improvement on last weekend.   read more

Grand Union Canal HM

By Helen Crossland

Today was going to be tough. I had chickened out of a half marathon last week due to the weather and hadn't been out running since the zombie invasion run. To make things even more difficult I had not been taking my asthma meds for the last two weeks either. Basically I've been a complete lazy dog for two weeks.

So how did it go? Weather was very cold but very sunny. The car was parked as Cassiobury Park in Watford and I had paid for coach transport to the start in Uxbridge. At least I was warm for a little while whilst the coach took me to the start with lots of other runners. What to wear on that type of run? Arm warmers, calf compression, T-shirt and camalback – that's what I chose. Yup, I was shivering like crazy until the race started. read more

Sarah Stars in Team Effort

LBAC performance of the day at the second Chiltern League fixture certainly went to Sarah Plummer in the U13 girls race. She finished in 21st place out of 94 runners in the race which was 17th in division one. The rest of the girls in the race also had a great team result with Megan Westrope and Emma Evans battling for 42nd place and Penny Grimshaw completing the team in 52nd.

The three girls who had run in the first race all improved their position and this gave them the best result for Leighton by an U13's girls team in a long time as they finished 8th in the division. If the girls can keep turning out like this all season it will make a huge difference to the club read more

Rain? What rain?

By Andy Inchley

So I did see a few Bookface posts yesterday relating to freezing and wet conditions on various cycle rides. I was quite impressed that a few got out in the downpour that was falling over us all on Sunday morning.

Certainly, as Amy and I emerged from our flat at 8.15 to head over to Stevenage for the half marathon there was a large part of me urging my body back inside. A mile later and we stopped to get some Lucozade at the garage. As I got back into the car following my purchase, I saw the look on Amy's face and made the offer………. "Do you want me to take you home?". I was answered in the affirmative and five minutes later was heading off on my own to darkest Hertfordshire. read more

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