Stag Trophy – Race 1

The new Stag Trophy season started with a bang last night, with thirty club members completing the three lap course from Parson's Close. It seems that gone are the days where you only had to turn up on a chilly night to pick up fifteen points, and it is great to see. There were seven PB's run on the night, as well as seven other people running the event for the first time. All these times have now been plugged in to the historical records available on the Stag Trophy page and so each individual can set their own targets for next month. read more

Cologne Marathon

Jon Hull & Gary Buckle, the intrepid travellers managed to resist the nightlife of Cologne on the Friday night – well almost… The local brew 'Kolsch' is a well known hydration tool for long distance runners in Germany. In addition, we discovered that the European ban on smoking doesn't quite extend to bars in Cologne (another story).

On Sunday we lined up in Koln Messe for a 'flat and fast marathon' clearly something they did not mention to me and Gary. On the 20th anniversary of German reunification, we all joined in with the German National anthem and choruses of Viva Colonia to set us on our way. read more

Chippenham Half

What better way to finish a week’s holiday than taking on the Chippenham Half Marathon. Well that's where two LBAC athletes ended up on a bright and sunny Sunday morning in Wiltshire. Now becoming well known as a fast course, a strong field of 1321 runners were present to take on the flat(ish) route through the surrounding countryside and villages. Having set a PB on the course a year ago Joby Hobbs was hoping to dip well under 1 hour 25 minutes this time around. However Joby had to make do with a time of 1 hour 25 minutes 21 seconds (2 seconds outside a PB) to finish in 54th place. Jill Richardson on her maiden voyage around the very picturesque route clocked a time of 1 hour 44 minutes 1 second finishing in 357th place. read more

Tour of MK – Part 2

So after three days, Richard was battling for the first V65 award, Chris was trying to get into the top 20 and Andy hoping to hold on to the top spot.

Race 4 of the series saw everyone take to the country with year's cross-country taking place in Potterspury on the North side of MK. The course consisted of two small laps to start then a couple of large laps. Five stream crossings and two stiles to contend with over the 5.4 miles made it a challenge for all concerned with legs starting to tire as the second half of the week started. read more

Senior Training Runs


This is the main club training night and aboslutely everyone is welcome. We meet at Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre at 7.25 for a 7.30 prompt departure. The runs are generally between 4 and 10 miles. During the winter the meeting point is at the end of the corridor next to the sports hall.

On the first Wednesday of each month the "Stag Trophy" race takes place from Parsons Close Park in the town centre. The details are on the Stag Trophy pages, but on those nights either come to Tiddenfoot for around 7.20, or go straight to the park for 7.30. A location and route can be found here.


For many people, their longer runs of the week tend to take place on a Sunday. Rather than doing them seperately we are trying to give people the option of getting together for these runs. A different person will lead each week on a route chosen by them. It may be from their house or just somewhere they like running. The distances will be from 8 miles upwards and is entirely at the discretion of the leader, but the distance, location and meeting time will be posted here. The only pre-requisite is that you can comfortably run the distance stated. We are constantly looking for volunteers to lead these runs. Please e-mail Andy ( to volunteer.

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