Balmy Brighton & Rotterdam

Last Sunday saw a selection of LBAC members trekking off to compete in a couple of different marathons on a very warm weekend. There were due to be four running down in Brighton, while one intrepid member went to darkest Holland for a run around Rotterdam.

A few days before the weekend, one of the bugs that is going around at the moment put pay to Ian Hosley's chances of a run in Brighton as he was confined to his sofa with the shivers. Having completed all the training, it must be extremely frustrating to then have the chance to take part removed at the last minute, so many condolences to Ian. read more

Flitwick 10K

A perfect Spring morning met all the runners as they arrived in Flitwick for the club's traditional 10K club championship. The course is well known by most as few were doing the race for the first time and it features a number of inclines without anything too bad.

Over the years the race has grown and in 2011 there were over 800 competitors on the start line, with many using it as a sharpener before the London marathon next week. Leighton's fourteen participants consisted of six ladies and eight men, all looking for early points in the club championship standings of 2011/12. read more

New Facebook Page

LBAC have now got a new facebook page up and running and can be easily found as an "Amateur Sports Team" on the site. We would ask that all members who have Facebook accounts sign up to "Like" the LBAC page as then it will appear on their updates and help to spread the word.

We also ask that members and friends of the club use the page for any running related matter so that it is regularly updated. Feel free to comment and use it as much as possible. The administrators will obviously put up specific notices regarding upcoming events and training, but it is there to help develop everyone's commincation so please use it as you see fit. read more

A Remarkable Finish

Wednesday night saw a stunning finish to the Stag Trophy season as Steve Orlando and Dan Webb battled for the overall title. Going in to the race, Dan Webb knew that only a win on the night and Steve finishing outside the top five would secure the trophy, while long time leader Steve knew the odds were stacked against Dan.

As club members arrived on a perfect night for running it was immediately clear that the participation numbers were a touch down with only sixteen participants meeting at the park. The expectation was for the usual stack of PB's with the new summer lightness and a warm evening, which surely favoured the incumbent leader. However, as the race slowly unfolded it became clear that there was only likely to be a couple of people battling for the win on the night and one of those was Dan……. read more

Richard Sets the Standard

The 3rd April saw the first club championship road race of the year take place on the rural roads of Sandy in East Bedfordshire. Ten club members headed over to Sandy Upper School to join 517 other athletes intent on completing the fast ten mile course.

In pleasant conditions that varied between sunshine and cloud, the 10:30 start time was pretty sociable for a weekend road race. Of the ten, Tom Inchley, did not have a number and so turned up in the hope of getting one at the last minute from a late withdrawl, whilst Jane broke her own record of cutting it fine by arriving on the start line half a mile from the school with about thirty seconds to spare! read more

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