The Ladies do it Again
It was a dreary and damp morning that the 28 members of the four LBAC teams and respective soloists awoke to on Saturday. This was in complete contrast to all the previous Greensand Ridge Relay's since the dawn of time, which have always been held on the hottest day of the year.
There were four brave/foolish club members who had decided that a 33 mile jaunt across Bedfordshire in the height of summer would be a really good idea and correspondingly they were the first four to start, with Ian Hosley going off in lovely conditions at 10:30am followed by Joe Hurley at 11:30, Stuart Blofeld at 11:45 and Pete Mackrell at 12:00, just as the sun was starting to burn off the clouds. All these chaps were aiming for the same 5pm finish that the teams were targetting, but with none of them having done the event before it was something of a guess.
Starting just beind Pete at 12:05 was Chris Dimmock for the Guys & Doll team, made up of entirely of the club's veterans. The second of our teams for the off was our defending ladies champions, headed up by Laura Smith who shot off down the canal at 12:19. Steve Harrison from the Fun Runners had been roped in to help out our second men's team at 12:42, before Simon Coombes started plum last for the Buzzard Bolts, although he was alongside former British number 3 marathon runner Huw Lobb, who was taking on the full distance.