Christmas Kanter
Originally devised and organised by Brian Graves as an end of year bit of fun, Will Eastman of LBAC has recently picked up the baton in coming up with a challenging but fun piece of orenteering across the nearby countryside. Usually held the weekend before Christmas in a location near Milton Keynes and Leighton Buzzard, teams and individuals from local clubs look for answers to clues and questions in fields, along footpaths and sometimes in bogs for nothing more than a moral victory!
The 2024 #ChrisyKants took place on a windy, chilly but sunny morning. Six teams took on the impeccably organised 1-15km route. Most chose the easy options of completing the route in the clockwise direction in which it was set, whilst two brave teams threw caution to the wind, ignored the northern hemisphere location of this year’s Kanter (and the resultant Coriolis effect) and set out in the counter clockwise direction. This did however prove problematic for them with lower scores in this direction.(although it’s worth noting that some of this is due to both points deductions awarded both during and following the event to ‘Team RD’).
Most of the checkpoints on course were found and there was an average success rate of just under 82%, however if you factor in that the shipping container checkpoint has lived up to its name and has been shipped across the Atlantic since the course was set up, the average goes up to 88%. Well done all!
In terms of times, local knowledge seems to have paid off with ‘Bantering not Kantering’ setting the record at 1hr45. But ultimate bragging rights go to ‘Path-letics’ for the cleanest completion with all (possible) answers correct.
We raised £??? for local charity ????
#ChrisyKants 2024 held on Sunday 22 December.