Leighton May Fayre

Bank Holiday Monday was a traditional day of unpredictable weather. At 8am, Chris Williams, Steve Orlando and Nick Clay set the stand up in pleasant sunshine, before Nick left to cheer Mandy on in the Watford 10k. At 10am, club members started to arrive to cover their shift.

The stand consisted of two gazebos with information boards, and then the obstacle course at the back of the site. The best arrival were the cupcakes in club colours with little LBAC flags! Every child that did the obstacle course got a free cupcake and a Leighton Tough 10 mug! To coincide with the arrival of club members, the rain decided it would also put in an appearance and then chose to stay for the rest of the day. Thanks goes to Steve and Nick particularly for helping at 7.50am, and to the cupcake makers for the best bit of marketing we could have had! Also thanks to the club members who looked after the obstacle course, in particular Amelia and Theresa who manned it during the worst of the weather, and then thanks to all of you who turned up for an hour but stayed for far longer, maybe because it was too wet to leave!! read more

Athletics in April

Something else wonderful was happening in LBAC world when the London Marathon was on but we kept it a secret until VLM fever had (almost) blown over…

Yes, while you were all soaking up the atmosphere (and all of our sun) on the banks of the Thames, the rest of us were in the car praying the rain clouds were pacing themselves much slower than us up the M1…

East Anglian Athletics League – Peterborough – Track and Field – Junior Results

Well at least the day didn’t start with the rain. In fact we had some glorious spring sunshine at 11.45am when our Under 13 girls led us off to a terrific start with an ‘A’ team 2nd place by Matilda Maglio and a ‘B’ team first place by Jade Lindars in the Under 13’s Shot Putt. read more

London Marathon 2013 – Ballot

Each year the club receives two guaranteed places in the London marathon. For the April 2013 race we will be holding the ballot for the two places during the Club Dinner on 12th May. There are certain criteria which must be honoured in order to apply for one of the places, please note in particular point 2 below:

1. You must be a paid up member of the club for 2012 and retain your membership for 2013.

2. YOU MUST USE YOUR BEST ENDEAVOURS to enter the general online ballot which opens on MONDAY 30TH APRIL, usually early morning but the website doesn't confirm the time (http://www.virginlondonmarathon.com/). The ballot always fills up very quickly,usually on the same morning it opens. For this reason it's not always possible to enter the online ballot, but please try because anybody who gains an entry through this method might be able to free up a club place for someone else. read more

London Marathon

By Pete Mackrell

Last Sunday I was one of the six club members taking part in the London Marathon. An early start awaited five of us who were meeting at 6am on the High Street to travel down on the coach organised by our friends at LFR. Meanwhile the sixth, Joe Hurley, is lucky enough to have friends living within walking distance of the start at Blackheath Common so was still tucked up in bed! Despite the early start, the five of us were in high spirits and following a week of awful weather the day was set to be much calmer and dry. We arrived in London in good time and made our way to our respective start areas to join the traditionally long toilet queues for the first time. After a couple of nervous hours had finally passed it was 9.45am and time to join the 37,000 others in our run around London. read more

Tring Invitation Run

On Wednesday 16th May, instead of our normal training run we will be heading over to Tring Running Club for their annual Invitation Evening, meeting at Tring Park Cricket Club (opposite Tesco and next to the new Tring Brewery) for a 7:30pm start. As in previous years, there will be a number of runs of varying distances and speeds, to suit all standards, including a shorter beginners run. This is always an excellent evening with the routes taking in the leafy Hertfordshire countryside and the occasional Chiltern hill! Food is provided in the bar afterwards for a nominal charge, and showers and changing facilities are available. read more

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