Wardown Park 5k

By James Bell
The 25th Greensands Ridge Relay race was run on the 22nd June 2013 during uncharacteristically cool weather along the 34 miles of the ‘Ridge’ from Tiddenfoot leisure centre to Northhill, near Sandy. A comfortable 16 degrees ensured that overheating wasn’t going to be a problem, but for those geographically challenged, one issue remained outstanding – was anyone going to get lost? LBAC was able to muster four teams, each named after birds comprising 6 runners that battled for trophies that included fastest team, mixed team, ladies trophy and handicap trophy. For Chris Williams, John Hull, myself and Adam Haylock, a reserve for Joe Hurley who was unable to make it, this was our first time doing the GRR. Fortunately we were mixed within teams that included Tom and Richard Inchley, Mike Bryant, Nick Clay that had 6-8 years of experience.
Trail Marathon Wales 2013 (22nd June) – Marathon number two
By Helen Crossland
A couple weeks before this event I had decided that a reccie across the lake district was a really really good idea. It was only 14 miles or so from Ambleside to Coniston. Nothing could go wrong, could it. Well, in true form, something did go wrong. My left knee to be exact. The Lake District is no walk in the park and the route I was taking should never have been done alone. Two very valuable lessons learnt that day. Strength training is all important for hill events and when attempting a difficult trail, try your hardest to drag along a willing participant. All this before I tackle my second marathon. Plus it was not only my second marathon but the toughest marathon I could find before the Lakeland 50 event. A good training marathon. That was my thought. So, did I do it? Did I make it to the finish? Did I quit?