London Marathon 2013 – Ballot

Each year the club receives two guaranteed places in the London marathon. For the April 2013 race we will be holding the ballot for the two places during the Club Dinner on 12th May. There are certain criteria which must be honoured in order to apply for one of the places, please note in particular point 2 below:

1. You must be a paid up member of the club for 2012 and retain your membership for 2013.

2. YOU MUST USE YOUR BEST ENDEAVOURS to enter the general online ballot which opens on MONDAY 30TH APRIL, usually early morning but the website doesn't confirm the time ( The ballot always fills up very quickly,usually on the same morning it opens. For this reason it's not always possible to enter the online ballot, but please try because anybody who gains an entry through this method might be able to free up a club place for someone else.

3. Having entered the online ballot, can you please let Pete M know no later than Wednesday 9th May that you also wish to enter the club ballot. (

4. The draw for the two club places and two reserves will be made during the dinner on 12th May.

5. The winners will be required to pass their entries to a reserve if illness or injury looks like preventing them from competing, or if they subsequently obtain a place through the general online ballot.

6. Priority will be given to those who did not run in the 2012 race. Anybody who received a club place in 2012 is not eligable to enter the 2013 ballot.