About the Club
Welcome to the website of Leighton Buzzard Athletic Club.
Leighton Buzzard is a small town in Bedfordshire, near the borders of Bucks and Herts. The club has been established since 1976 and caters for anyone who wants to run; both seasoned athletes and those who just want to give running a try.
The club has both junior and senior sections.
Senior Section (16+)
There are two core training nights;
The main run is on Wednesday nights at 7.20 for a 7.30 departure from Tiddenfoot leisure centre. The emphasis of the night is on social running and sharing advice and experiences. Members have a variety of abilities, from those who occasionally win races, to those who have never run before, so there will always be someone around to keep you company!
There is also a interval session on Monday nights at 7.20 for a 7.30 departure which focuses on increasing speed over endurance events. Everyone is welcome to attend this too.
The club also has a thriving social side. Members meet in the Swan in the High Street after training every Wednesday (from around 9pm) and there are various social functions held throughout the year.
Junior Section (9-16)
The junior section caters for young people from the age of nine upwards. Juniors get a chance to participate in both track and field events. They meet twice weekly: during the summer Tuesday and Thursday nights at Vandyke Upper School and in the winter, Tuesdays at Vandyke and Thursdays they do Hill Training on Soulbury Road, Bideford Green. The team meets at 6.45 for a 7pm start.
The club as a whole also competes in track & field, cross-country leagues and various road races throughout the year. To find out more, e-mail us using the link on the left or contact the appropriate person below:
Juniors (9-16) Nick & Mandy Clay 01525 382839
Seniors (16+) Tom May 07968 966091