Team LBAC make a splash at Keysoe XC

As people turned up to Keysoe in the northern reaches of Bedfordshire, one of the first thing they would have noticed was that is was significantly drier conditions than in 2014. Secondly, the LBAC tent was twice the size that it has been in recent fixtures and it was a good thing it was, with over 60 members of the club turning out to race in the purple and gold.

The U13 boys showing off the LBAC team spirit

The U13 boys showing off the LBAC team spirit

First to set off around the course were the U11 girls with Hattie Grimshaw, Charlotte Keane and Julia Bell all finishing within 11 seconds of each other to start the season strongly in 8th place. The team of four U11 boys were led home by Daniel May and are also sitting nicely in 10th place. read more

Weary Soles Relay – Winners!!

by Chris Dimmock

As the mist cleared and dawn broke I checked the clock and realised there was enough time to recce the key points of my leg before picking up Fred to roll up to Tiddenfoot for our start in the inaugural Weary Soles round Leighton relay hosted by Leighton Fun Runners. Having had multiple team changes over the previous weeks, days and hours I had ended up with a leg I was unfamiliar with and drove to the start, middle and end to check the lie of the land. Satisfied that I could get from Wing to Stoke Hammond along the prescribed route I picked Fred up and we set off to meet the rest of the team. read more

Berlin Marathon

by Pete Mackrell

Berlin 2015 was my 11th marathon. I really enjoy Berlin, it’s not for everyone because it hasn’t got the landmarks and amazing support of London, or the glamour and appeal of New York, but if you’re chasing a time there’s nowhere better. And there was one particular time people kept reminding me of: 2:34:43, that being Pete Watkins’ club record. But the truth is it wasn’t on my radar, I’d laboured to a 1:17 half only five weeks earlier, not exactly a confidence booster. read more

Lots of Records at the Stag

The first Stag trophy race of the 2015/16 season saw numerous records set for the event.

  • There were 33 people running: It has been very rare to ever get more than 25, which is what the scoring system is based on so to see so many people out sprinting round the course is brilliant
  • We had 9 people who had never run the Stag before
  • There was a sixty-one year age gap between the oldest and youngest participants
  • There were 21 people who completed the course ahead of their handicap time!

So well done everyone that came along and lets try to keep the numbers high and have a closely fought competition.

On the night, as is often the way, it was the newbies that came home first having managed to convince Dave that they would struggle to even complete the course! Sean Westrope put up the most convincing argument to come home 30 seconds ahead of Stuart Dimmock and the returning Alex Ridout.

In addition to the nine new participants there were also six PB’s on the night from Scott Towell, Chris Norman, Pete Mackrell, Sam Dear, Dominic Grimshaw and Mandy Clay. Chris in particular did this in spectacular fashion by taking 39 seconds off his previous best from 2013. read more

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