Lanzarote 2005
A much reduced but rather jolly LBAC crew winged it's way to Lanzarote for the 2005 Challenge (well, for the sun loungers, la santa sandwiches and general frivolity, mostly…). For some the excitement started well before usual with our esteemed club captain, Tom Foobar May, managing to continue extending his lead in the tactical error trophy stakes by failing to wake up for the taxi to the airport, despite having his bedroom window crashed on and most of the club calling his phones.
Race one – the 10k – Not nearly as windy as last year, the 10k had a few course alterations and the measurement of the route came under scrutiny by Digital Dimmock and his GPS system…
Race two – the 13k ridge run – A pretty windy yet overcast start to the day saw all the leighton runners steaming gaily off towards the high point of the week (yup, the view is lovely…)..
Race three – 5k beach race – The day after 170kph winds hit the island, we weren't sure the beach race would be going ahead.. With a few minor course alterations, the most eagerly anticipated race of the week took place under overcast skies.
Race four – 23k transisland – A nasty headwind made this years transisland a bit of a trial, and there aren't many pics because the bike shop refused to open a bit early for us!
The last night.. an event in and of itself.. Gaiety and frivolity abound, as post challenge runners get drunk on two sniffs of a glass of sherry…
Our esteemed Captain demonstrates: